Sunday, June 14, 2009

Twenty Things

Twenty things I'm grateful for today:
  1. Sun! The sun is shining for the first time in weeks. It's been so gray and gloomy lately that today's sun is just what I needed.
  2. My friend Lisa who invited the boys over for a playdate with her son and encouraged me to take off for a few hours of alone time.
  3. A killer sale at BCBG that resulted in the purchase of the perfect little summer dress for the wedding I'm attending next month.
  4. The little bit of coffee that was left over this morning that was mercifully still hot.
  5. Tom for finishing the laundry yesterday and cleaning the living room.
  6. My impulse to suddenly stop at Jack in the Box to buy milkshakes for the boys - just because.
  7. Chocolate milk shakes!
  8. Baking soda - a great abrasive that works wonders on tubs and sinks.
  9. Tapia Brothers - a farm stand with parking right in front so the boys can stay in the car while I pick out fruit and vegetables for the week.
  10. Spongebob Squarepants - no explanation necessary.
  11. That rosemary, lemon and garlic work so well together - especially on chicken.
  12. That I finally feel comfortable using the grill.
  13. For the raisin pecan bread that my friend Kelly brought back from Mammoth.
  14. To myself for accepting the gifts that were given to me today.
  15. For my neighbors who come out of their houses to say hello, who wave from their porches, who marvel at how much the kids have grown.
  16. Long, long days.
  17. That even with the sun shining today it is still cool enough to wear jeans without getting hot.
  18. Internet connection - I'm so lost without it.
  19. My camera which allows me to see my family from another window.
  20. My wonderful life.

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