Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to School ... And More Coming

The boys started school today - at a new school. It's hard to start in a new place and leave good friends behind. The boys were excited about their new school, but a little nervous. Today will be the hardest day for them but I know, absolutely to my core, that this was the right decision for them.

A way overdue Summer Recap is in store and I swear I will write it tonight.

So much good is happening .... it makes my heart want to burst open.

I'm woefully behind on photos - I am still taking them (most of the time) but completely fell off the wagon about posting them. I hope to get back on track with it soon.

More is coming .... I promise. But if I don't get to it later today, just know this: I was in one of the worst mental places in my life this time last year. I had no idea what I was going to do job-wise, I was about to turn 40, I felt lost and uninspired, I felt checked out as a parent and wife, I felt sorry for myself and angry, I felt I hadn't done enough and I was running out of time. Now, one year later, I am about to turn 41. I've had the absolute BEST summer spending time with friends and family. I have a new job that I love, working with people who are smart, creative, and inspiring. My kids are going to the school that I wished for. My husband and my kids are healthy and wonderful. I don't have any more time, money or rest than I did last year but my life is so full of love and I am thrilled with the momentum and the direction in which it's going.

You may think I'm crazy, but I firmly believe that this had a lot to do with my change of direction.


Daria said...

You are positively inspiring. I am so happy for you!


Thanks Daria! It's going to happen for you, too. You're so open to it - everything will unfold for you at just the right time. I believe it.